Pet peeve: coworkers who don’t understand that Slack, like email, is an asynchronous conversation.
Pet peeve: coworkers that don’t make use of Slack’s in-depth scheduling features to mute messages or requests outside of work hours. I should be able to send you shit at 5am. Whether you’re notified that second or at 9am the following work day is a you problem 🥶
My colleagues having a chat about their favourite tv shows in the operations channel at 7am have entered the chat.
I work with a team in a time zone about 12 hours off of mine, so we are almost never online at the same time. I sent one guy on that team a message at 3AM his time, and he got all annoyed that I was expecting him to work at 3AM, and I was like no dude, just respond when you start working. So now whenever I sent messages to that guy, I always prefix some text about how this isn’t urgent and to ignore it until his work hours start.