Girls with Glasses


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A place to celebrate horny nerdy ladies! Rules:

1. Follow LemmyNSFW’s global rules. You know the drill. You and anyone in content you post must be 18+. No stolen or “revenge” content.

2. No advertising. You can have an Onlyfans and post here, but you can’t post here about your Onlyfans (this includes directing people to your profile). Watermarks are ok.

3. Keep it positive. People of all body shapes, sizes and colors are welcome here. Your comments will reflect this or be removed.

4. Reposts are allowed, but no less than one month after the last posting.

5. Off-topic content will be removed. Anything other than real life pictures/videos of women wearing glasses will be removed. No animated or AI-generated content please.

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  • 370

    Monthly active users

  • 264


  • 140


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