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I got a mechnical keyboard after listening to you internet nerds and have been sorely disappointed
What kind of mechanical keyboard?
Sure, my razor one is kinda crappy, but I’ve used a very nice one at a friend who did the build your own thing.
Do I need a mechanical keyboard if my typing speed is around 60 wpm? I don’t type fast, which is why I never saw the appeal of mechanical keyboards
Well a mechanical keyboard could help you type a little faster actually. I think the primary appeal of them is that they feel nice to type on though. Another reason people buy them is because they’re good for playing games competitively such as CS:GO.
You know you can get quiter mech keyboards? Also sometimes people put O rings on the stem of the key to dampen the sound. I don’t think there are any slim mech keyboards- though there are nice small 50%, 60%, 65% and 70% keyboards
Edit: here’s what a 50% keyboard looks like, pretty cute right?