A post about how this community’s banner used the python 2 print syntax - print "Hello World"
- made me question, can we print a hello world message in Python 3 without using parentheses?
It turned out to be sort of a fun challenge, I’ve found 3 different approaches that work. I’d be interested to see what you come up with! (it seems I can’t put spoilers in Lemmy, so I won’t share my solutions yet in case y’all want to have a go).
Edit: Posted my solutions in the comments
Alright, here are my solutions :)
- Import Easter egg
import __hello__
Not the most technically interesting, but a fun Easter egg!
- Class decorators
@lambda _: "Hello World"
class Foo:
Decorators are another way of calling a function, so can be abused to solve this task. You need to decorate a class rather than a function though, since a function definition requires parentheses!
- Dunder methods
class Printer:
__class_getitem__ = print
Printer["Hello World"]
There might be some other Dunder methods you can use to do this, although it’s sort of difficult since most (e.g. __add__
) only describe behaviour on the instance of the class.
- More dunder methods
from _sitebuiltins import Quitter
Quitter.__add__ = print
exit + "Hello World"
Writing number 3 made me realise I just needed to find a class that already had an instance and change that. I’m sure there are many other cases of this, but here’s one!