I played WoW a bit after its initial release through the first couple xpacs. Getting the MMO itch again, but I know the WoW I grew up with doesn’t really exist anymore, so now I’m pretty out of touch.
For those of you playing / recently played an MMO, which one? How’s the community? How’s the lore? Gameplay in pve/pvp/rvr?
I recently got the urge to play WoW again, so I figured I’d cash in on the ‘free play til level 20’ thing and play on a Classic server. Except those are pay only. Decided I’d try retail since it was free and quit within an hour. I’ve been really loving Turtle WoW, however.
Oh man I just discovered and joined turtle yesterday! Haven’t had a chance to play, but did confirm it ran without any additional setup on PopOS.