The surfeit of waifu and other porn and porn-like games is surprising when you start digging through what’s on sale.
Anybody ever bought one of these and care to share what the attraction is?
Huniepop is just a legitimately decent game.
Also, Deep Space Waifu was a gift and I’m keeping it
Anybody ever bought one of these and care to share what the attraction is?
It’s interactive porn with a budget.
Ok, so do some game mechanic to get the character’s clothes off in some way, I get that…but what’s the “budget” part?
As in they’re not just shitty flash games but actual video games with (minor) production value and creative talent.
still a waste of money though
I recently got Sex Chess because it’s called Sex Chess.
Haven’t played it yet.
Now I really want to know what the sexual equivalent of en passant would be.
A move that many people forget, but comes in absolute clutch when remembered?