Hi all, just getting into home labbing the past few months. I have a small cluster of Proxmox machines running many of the usual services.

Currently running a 350x10 Spectrum cable internet connection. This is working just fine and has been shockingly stable for five years. It also keeps a very sticky public IPv4 address that has been perfect for self hosting and a cloudflare tunnel. It’s a modem only that goes into an OPNsense VM.

Upload is obviously a bottleneck that has become frustrating. AT&T Fiber came through the neighborhood a few months ago and are offering a 300x300 FTTH with no installation, fees, caps, contracts etc for less than the Spectrum connection. I’d love to jump on it but have read in a few places that they sometimes use CGNAT, the gateways don’t behave well in passthrough mode, mess with traffic, block ports, etc.

I guess the question is then, what are people’s experience with ATT fiber and homelabbing? Is there anyone who won’t lie about it that I could call before install? In SC if it matters. Thanks!

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Look into a business account with ATT, which gives the added benefit of a fixed IP.




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