Amazing discovery πŸ’‘

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62 points

It genuinely blows my goddamn mind that this article is actually considered news and has to even be published.

Like, what the fuck do they teach people in business school these days?? Just cut costs endlessly? Like β€œI have this restaurant with no employees that serves nothing and charges $1B per customer. I will be rich!” ??

18 points

Like, what the fuck do they teach people in business school these days?? Just cut costs endlessly? Like β€œI have this restaurant with no employees that serves nothing and charges $1B per customer. I will be rich!” ??

I work in corporate retail, and yes, basically. It’s pretty wild how myopic senior leadership can be at times.

17 points

Came here to post just this. How fucking stupid are the people in charge of these places? That offering higher wages gets you more/better employees is such a revolutionary concept that not only has nobody else tried it, but when one does and realizes it works, it becomes a Business Insider article?

You don’t have to be an MBA to understand supply and demand. If there is less supply of workers and more demand for workers the market price of work will rise. Did they think the labor market was a slave trade?

I really genuinely do not understand how so many supposedly smart successful business people can be so stupid as to not understand such a simple concept.

14 points

I thought it might be an Onion headline.

7 points

Hey, worked for that mobile app that sold for like $2k and just showed some shiny bling animation


Work Reform


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A place to discuss positive changes that can make work more equitable, and to vent about current practices. We are NOT against work; we just want the fruits of our labor to be recognized better.

Our Philosophies:

  • All workers must be paid a living wage for their labor.
  • Income inequality is the main cause of lower living standards.
  • Workers must join together and fight back for what is rightfully theirs.
  • We must not be divided and conquered. Workers gain the most when they focus on unifying issues.

Our Goals

  • Higher wages for underpaid workers.
  • Better worker representation, including but not limited to unions.
  • Better and fewer working hours.
  • Stimulating a massive wave of worker organizing in the United States and beyond.
  • Organizing and supporting political causes and campaigns that put workers first.

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