You know if there were real photos of politicians cheating, they can now say its all fake AI photos and move on. We may not even notice.
And honestly after Trump, who cares about cheating politicians anyway?
I just think of the Watergate tapes. Is so easy now to take a minute of audio to mimic someone’s voice, then make them say what ever you want. If Watergate happened today, it would be easy to deflect saying it was AI. Similarly, in less than an hour I could create a realistic conversation between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on a phone call admitting to rigging the system
So for these, they could go look at the small details, and notice how awful small the bed in Obama’s hotel room looks, or odd the pile of towels in the background look.
But if the photo were real, they’d be pulling their hair out trying to find any of the AI related quirks.
Though, months ago, people in AI photos uses to have as many as 10 fingers per hand, so it looks like it’s getting smarter.