do you not smell body odor or do you just get used to it?
Genuinely curious. I have met a few people of different walks of life that I could tell did not and I have always used it, so I’m just curious. I know there was a couple that stopped using it for around a year, and they said their body actually end up not perspiring as much as when they used antiperspirant, but I’d like to know other people’s experiences.
In cold and dry climates you don’t necessarily get as smelly
This 100%, for me at least
hell, I shower once a week, when I’m not doing manual labor like, say, construction or weightlifting. (which I then shower immediately after.)>
I don’t smell at all by day 6, but my hair gets mildly greasy, so I wash it.
live at 6273ft above sea level, in a “high desert plains”, acccordig to google.
YMMV, obviously.
worth noting that I’ve also been noseblind since birth, and the only feedback I have in my scnents (or lack thereof) has been my family’s noses, and my partner’s nose.