The postman delivered a new to me DF83 Gen 1 with SSP HU burrs. Just had fun dialing it in over lunch for espresso. It is a huge step up from the Niche Zero it replaces for espresso.
And here I am with my brand new niche zero that I was so proud of until like three minutes ago.
I would feel the same if somebody posted a p100 or Monolith Flat MAX, but then they also way more expensive like the DF83 with SSP burrs is vs. the Zero.
As a Canadian the DF83 with the SSP burrs is actually pretty close the Niche zero price wise due to how their distribution works. Essentially you pay UK tax and Canadian duties at least the last time I checked last year.
The zero is terrible value new in Canada in that case. I actually think that the zero is a bit over priced in the UK now due to cheaper options like the Ode.