pretending like it is all genetics is fucking insane
The treatment is explicitly stated as gene therapy.
low vitamin d is a sickness by itself, as it for example causes depression and malfunctions in the immune system. It is quite a difference to cure people who are just autistic then to treat something that might increase the rate of autism in children.
Vitamin D deficiency results in the gene-writing anomaly that the proposed treatment is also correcting for. The difference is, firstly, the stage of development when you intercede to make a correction and, secondly, the anticipated success rate of the intervention.
treating a malnutrition issue is different from removing a part of natural human variation
But that’s just it. Malnutrition in pregnant adults is well-established as a casual factor in reduced cognitive function in children. Human variation is a consequence of environmental factors in pre-natal and early development. You aren’t just a product of your parents, you’re a product of your material conditions during the period of gestation.
Should physicians refuse to intervene after a child is born, because of variations caused in their mother during the period of pregnancy?
autism as a symptom of a syndrome?
Rett syndrome is an example of a syndrome that results in the patient’s behavioral characteristics meeting the definition of autism.
this is barley a sentence
Apologies if I no make words good. Me try better harder next time.