Hello fellow enthusiasts!
What are your favourite ways to brew large quantities of tea + make it taste good?
I use the Russian method sometimes, but it works best for strong black tea
Cool! Do you do it in a saucepan or in a specialized vessel?
The Russian method is brewing a very concentrated tea in a small teapot. Then, after you pour it, you add hot water to taste. It’s great for big groups because then everyone gets to have tea in their desires strength
That is really interesting. I make my tea in pots like this on a gas stove: https://www.replacements.com/china-pyrex-flameware-4-cup-percolator-with-lid-basket-and-insert/p/73242761?utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&rplSrc=GPLA&rplSubEvent=151823&productTargetID=1492235020717&dvc=m&rplsku=25&gclid=CjwKCAjwqZSlBhBwEiwAfoZUICiDPISpdq_Bg1r23OX34mf_ZJjYObf8cRYDEFffQtkPCI_ALp6R4hoCVoYQAvD_BwE