I will often remember a word in the wrong language. I speak English and German fluently and my brain will often remember the word in the other language if the current language one is not verfügbar.
Same. My native language is spanish but I codeswitch with english and italian so much I end up with some real fucked up sentences sometimes. Especially when what I mean would more easily be expressed in a word that does not exist in the language I’m speaking at the moment. End up orbiting the word as best I can and probably making it harder on myself than it would be if I were to just bypass that word.
I speak English fluently and 3 others at a “I could probably survive in a country where that language is official” level and the weird thing is that Ill forget the word for something in one, remember what it is in another which then prompts me to remember what it was in the original language most of the time. i.e. it is self correcting to an extent