She actually said the exact opposite. From your link:
Palfrey’s two handwritten notes were released to the public. In one of them, she wrote to her sister, “You must comprehend there was no way out, I.E. ‘exit strategy,’ for me other than the one I have chosen here.” In another, she described her predicament as a “modern-day lynching”. She said she feared that, at the end of serving her sentence, she would be “in my late 50s a broken, penniless and very much alone woman”.[28][30]
Emphasis mine.
Yes, I read the sources I linked to. Here’s what I said about it:
But now, all I can find is that it was clearly a suicide. Oh well.
What did you think I was talking about, what I said that? If not that the stories I can find now all say it was a legit suicide?
Maybe my memory is faulty, or maybe the suicide note is fake. Which it is, I have no idea.
Seems very unlikely that two handwritten suicide notes could be plausibly faked that well when there are many examples of her handwriting
Wait. So you’re evaluating the theory that powerful people in the US government killed a woman, faked two (…) suicide notes for her, successfully coerced her lawyer into not divulging her client list (which he has, and desperately wants to divulge), and put down the memory hole all the original news stories that talked about her being afraid she’d be killed for threatening her clients with exposure… but the fly in the whole ointment of the theory is that they’d have to find someone who could write similar to how she writes?
Honestly, I think I’m probably misremembering, and I’m mixing her up with some other person that powerful people actually did have killed. Not because the note was handwritten; I just think there would be places on the internet that were pretty readily findable where would be published the original stories I read back at the time.
I wasn’t trying to get into all of this, tbh, because like I say I’m just sort of talking and have no idea. I was just relaying my (maybe faulty) memories and letting people be their own judge.
Edit: Oh fuck, the plot thickens. I found what I was thinking of. According to randos on Reddit, she explicitly talked about not having any plans to kill herself on an episode of Alex Jones which is no longer easily available. Make of that what you will 😃.