No, seriously. My dad made me watch two episodes with him after waking up hung over at his New Years party. He said it was HILARIOUS.

It. Is. The WORST.

It’s literally Big Bang Theory for NatSec Ghouls. It’s about a divorced guy who’s in the CIA but then learns his DAUGHTER IS ALSO IN THE CIA! Gasp!

Also it starts Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger who’s like 500 but is doing James Bond shit, but every action scene they either have him in a weird getup or shot from a weird angle cuz they’re clearly having some muscly stunt double doing that shit.

This seems like something the Chapo hosts would come up with as a joke.

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It’s about a divorced guy who’s in the CIA but then learns his DAUGHTER IS ALSO IN THE CIA! Gasp!

Isn’t that also basically the plot of Inside Job

7 points

which was actually a half-decent show and got canceled
