The OFFICIAL NAME of the Party in English is “The Communist Party of China”.
Not “the correct translation”. The OFFICIAL NAME.
It follows, incidentally, the same pattern of naming in a whole bunch of other countries. The Communist Party of Canada, not The Canadian Communist Party. The Communist Party of Cuba, not The Cuban Communist Party. The Communist Party of Korea, not the Korean Communist Party. Etc. etc. etc.
But hey, you don’t have to believe me. Just go to their official site: Then try and see where that gets you.
Getting a name correct is the very most basic element that gets you credibility. If you can’t do that, anything else you say on the subject is highly suspect.
Consider how much credibility I’d have if I babbled about Germany as “The German Federal Republic” (or, more extremely, translated it like you did and came up with “The Dutch’s Land’s Federal Republic”) or about the USA as “The American United States”. Extrapolate.
How funny of you to suggest the CCP is entitled to name itself in English
Imagine suggesting that ignorant American dipshits should get any say in how CPC is named.