I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing.
Do you have a similar game?
They ended up tweaking engineering to a point where its tolerable, and mining became so cool. Exploration too. Those two gameplay loops are great.
But the game was unplayable without third party tools. Which was kind of fun, having them open in a second monitor added to the immersion, but without them you’re shit out of luck. Those tools were how I knew how to sell my mining stock. It was also how pirates knew where to blockade, which made for awesome emergent gameplay.
I’m bummed that space legs ended up being a buggy mess, because I wanted them real bad. Mostly I wanted to do an EVA in deep space, hanging off my ship, and enjoying the sound design. I never tried it because I heard the update did something weird to planets.