Survivalist videos? How to avoid hypothermia/how to reduce your heat footprint to escape thermals/ how to clean and maintain your guns (many military weapons have identical civilian counterparts minus full auto), how to clean water in emergencies, how to identify edible plants/mushrooms.
Basic battlefield and squad tactics. How to make booby traps, tripwires, and traps. How to organize squads and advance/retreat.
Ironically the US military has some very good videos on YouTube for how to advance a squad, lay down covering fire, set up ambushes, effectively use different squad roles, and how to coordinate air and artillery forces. I’m sure there are plenty such videos for a wide range of topics.
Ironically the US military has some very good videos on YouTube for how to advance a squad, lay down covering fire, set up ambushes, effectively use different squad roles, and how to coordinate air and artillery forces. I’m sure there are plenty such videos for a wide range of topics
Oh I’m well aware of the official stuff and even the stuff made by non-professional veterans doing their civil war 2 larping, I’m curious about what specifics do the guys over in Ukraine are looking up since it would serve as a good barometer of what actually works in field conditions vs what works in theory. But that’d require me to dive into the Ukraine war pigs side of the internet and I don’t want to inflict psychic damage on myself lmao.