Ignore the lib shit in the article about not seed bombing private property.
4 points
Squirrels and birds in combination with poor soil.
Working on remediating the soil with mulch, but not much I can do about the critters.
3 points
Ignore the lib shit in the article about not seed bombing private property.
Squirrels and birds in combination with poor soil.
Working on remediating the soil with mulch, but not much I can do about the critters.
<<<<<<< / c / g a r d e n i n g >>>>>>>
read braiding sweetgrass, lib
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Let it grow .
.-/ \-. If I had a flower
( \__/ ) for each time
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /
( / \ ) of communism
, \\ (-. ) my garden
|\_ ||/.-`would be full
\'.\_ |;`
'--,\|| ,
`;| _/|
// _/.'/
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