Is this the original Deus Ex? I really enjoyed Human Revolution but haven’t played any others in the series. Is the story worth putting up with the slightly dated QoL shortcomings?
The OG game is the best game ever made.
If you install Deus Ex Randomizer, it will apply all the fixes to the vanilla DeusEx.exe too (fixes to the renderer, frame rate limit, configs, etc), and then when you’ve beaten the game and you’re ready for more then you can open DXRando.exe lol. Inside DXRando.exe we do also have a game mode called “Zero Rando” which keeps things unrandomized and mostly vanilla but includes our QoL improvements and balance tweaks.
Make sure you play the training, and if the poor weapon handling annoys you then upgrade that weapon skill
When I saw they were selling in-game single-use items for real money I immediately decided I had no interest in it. Did it actually have a good story?
Interested in hearing this opinion also, as this series sits in my backlog and I’d like to start from the beginning.
But that train of thought is what is preventing me from getting farther than an hour or two in the witcher