A community for fans of the Kansas City Chiefs. Established 2023
Rule 1 Obey Lemmy World rules as listed here. This includes not posting any illegal content, not posting any NSFW content as this is not an NSFW community, and not posting or commenting in a way that harasses, disturbs, or discriminates against any user for any reason.
Rule 2 Posts and comments must be related to the Kansas City Chiefs or the NFL. Occasional posts that are related to the sport of football in general will be allowed if they are posted with the intention of discussing some feature of the NFL. (For example, a post discussing the XFL’s different kickoff rules with the intention of discussing the pros and cons of the kickoff rules in the NFL)
Rule 3 No posts or comments that support brigading other communities.
NFL Memes
Arizona Cardinals
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Dallas Cowboys
Denver Broncos
Detroit Lions
Green Bay Packers
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
Kansas City Chiefs
Jacksonville Jaguars
Los Angeles Chargers
Los Angeles Rams
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
New York Giants
New York Jets
Philadelphia Eagles -
Pittsburgh Steelers
San Francisco 49ers
Seattle Seahawks
Washington Commanders