25 points
Where is the funny?
1 point
24 points
11 points
Where do I hide the porn under Linux? Might migrate to Linux, and I want to keep my porn collection.
6 points
I know this is a joke but here comes my two cents:
- Create a hidden folder called .free_energy_designs
- Put some random images of pyramids in there
- Use VeraCrypt to encrypt with secret second encryption layer where you store your porn
1 point
5 points
-5 points
5 points
1 point
Because “i want to own a copy for when the internet dies”
Also, dont name call
2 points
7 points
Why is this react / windows? Odd
7 points
3 points
Now that’s a name i don’t see in a long time, i hope the project is still active
2 points
it is, they just decided for the quality of the updates then the quantity of updates
3 points
Create a folder named “PORN”, copy the manfiles directory to it.