6am UK time Sunday morning, can’t decide whether to get up at 5 or just stay up all night.
Half the year is that time for me as an american I recommend going to bed early-ish and waking up 30 before the race so you can catch Brundle’s grid walk
That’s how they normally are over here in the US (wonder why live viewership is down, that’s a big factor)
I normally get up a few minutes before the formation lap and throw it on the TV from bed.
Same situation as Japan and Australia GPs really. I always opt to wake up early
This race is truly at a horrific time for everyone. Europe gets a ridiculously early race and the US gets a race that’s so late at night it’s almost unwatchable for a lot of the country. It makes no sense other than chasing money.
Las Vegas is a hell hole and nothing good should ever enter it. Nothing good ever happens there. This race should be canceled