I’ve started to get these really deep pimples on my chin. They don’t have a head and they seem to just stay there forever. I’ve always had pretty clear skin minus the occasional regular pimple so I don’t know what to do about these. I’m assuming this is part of peri? Have any of you successfully gotten rid of these?

1 point

Yup hormones are likely the culprit and will settle down, but probably a good idea to see a derma too if they are persistent or get worse.

Reverse puberty indeed!

1 point

Yeah, I get them too. They hurt, but for me they usually go away after a few days. I second calling a dermatologist if they persist.

It’s so annoying, my skin is worse now than when I was an adolescent.

1 point

my skin is worse now than when I was an adolescent

Dude mine too!

1 point

Me too!! :(

1 point

Yep, me too. Worse around my period. Stupid hormones!




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‘Menopause isn’t really that bad’…said no woman ever.

For those who are approaching or experiencing ‘the change’ (think reverse puberty), a time where hormone levels decline either through the aging process or by medical/surgical means.

Menopause and Perimenopause (the transitional time before Menopause) are unique to every person, and while there’s no one-size fits all, we support each other on this roller coaster ride of wacked out hormones, absurd mood swings and random sweaty hot flashes.

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Menopause Wiki


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6. No posting lab results We are not a substitute for medical advice. Questions about your lab results should be directed to your medical professional. Hormonal tests are not an accurate diagnosing tool for perimenopause.

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