The world’s largest open-source open-data library. ⭐️ Includes Sci-Hub, Library Genesis, Z-Library, and more. 📈 19,348,010 books, 86,614,159 papers, 2,379,209 comics, 508,527 magazines — preserved forever.
Be sure to scan them too. I’ve had virus total detect one or two things on different books.
Yes on PDFs in this case. It is designed to exploit the PDF reader when you open it. Though less common today it’s still an avenue of attack to watch out for. It depends on the reader too but why take a chance if something is detected
So, how do you download and use PDFs from Anna’s Archive or a similar site? Do you download it to a computer that you just use for downloads, then scan the file using Virus Total, then read only on that computer? (I usually read on my phone using Overdrive, just trying to figure out the safest way as a newbie).
Personally I DL on a Linux machine and then upload to virus total. If they are clean, then I transfer them to an old android tablet without internet access for reading. If I was reading them on the machine I’d open them in a linux VM, either alpine or fedora silverblue with network aceess disabled.
The state of the art is qubes OS that has a tool to neuter a PDF by taking screenshots and building a new PDF in different VMs.
There’s this program which supposedly will take a PDF and if it’s unsafe make it safe.
I’ve only heard of it today, so I have no idea about its efficacy.
Thanks I was sad after z-lib went down.
Here are the official links: I would recommend just opening the .onion link (last tab on the page) with the Tor Browser in Safe mode and logging in with an anonymous e-mail and random password. Nowadays I’d rather use Anna’s Archive, though, it has most of the Z-Library database indexed anyway
Just found out about this myself and it’s top tier. The best way to find ebooks IMO. If it doesn’t work, use IRC, and if that doesn’t work, sign up for Myanonamouse. And if that doesn’t just buy the fucking thing. Actually, request it from your library first and then use a de-drm tool to keep it forever
Remember to check the Internet Archive library, you can easily borrow lots of amazing quality books for free and even rip the files. The Standard Template Construct has lots of stuff too, especially recent scientific articles Sci-Hub hasn’t published yet
Damn Anna, you so hot! I’m gonna kiss you!