Or the fediverse in general.
I wanted to ask everyone their personal least favorite communities on reddit.
Whic subreddits do you absolutely not (personally of course) want to see recreated as magazines here on kbin, or as fediverse communities in general?
My pet peeve is CMV. I always felt while the idea seemed doable on the surface, the implementation within that particular subreddit with the delta system, the requirement for the top level comments to oppose the OP even if the “view” is an established expert consensus on something like climate change made it impossible to have meaningful conversations.
I haven’t checked if we have a CMV magazine here, but as soon as I see one, I know I’m blocking it.
What is your “instant block” community?
I wasn’t ever a fan of UnpopularOpinions. It seemed like a license to say horrible shit and then feel good about the upvotes but people just upvoted because the opinion was awful.
It’s kinda similar to what I dislike about CMV but blatant. I think CMV created this whitewashing effect on horrible opinions by presenting them as a discussion against them, while giving them a megaphone into the mainstream.
UnpopularOpinions is similar but a bit more honest, I guess, lol!
I don’t think it was all that bad… actually there were some pretty good discussions in there. That said I don’t think everyone engaged in good faith, and sometimes you’d get things like “CMV: women should have basic human rights (Delta(s) from OP)”.
Agreed but for the opposite reason lol. Whenever I see UnpopularOpinions on All it’s always very popular opinions being upvoted.
Pretty much all of the ironic “oh we’re just pretending to be bad people lololol” ironic circlejerk subreddits. Best case scenario, they eventually attract people that don’t recognize it’s ironic, worst case the mask just falls off. PCM is probably the worst of the bunch. Writing fake tweets to mischaracterize political opinions you don’t like is just such a bizarre hobby.
No worries! It stands for PoliticalCompassMemes. The political compass is a simple (but wrong, if we deep dive into it) model of representing political positions in the current political sphere in mostly US/western politics. People started a meme subreddit about it and it quickly turned rather right wing with memes that devolved to “Ugly woman is left-wing and bad, Chad man is right-wing and good” lol
Political Compass Memes and he’s bsing lol. Ironic people bash the hardest on one of the few non-toxic subs where you could at least have a little fun.
American politics seeping into every damn thing. And to top it off, with a clear bias in one direction. I resent having the feeling like there’s an astro-turfing effort going on, even when I agree with whatever stance is being pushed. Reddit is really tainted with that sort of thing.
Hopefully it doesn’t take hold here, or at least stays contained so I can decline subbing to magazines that would pertain. I’d rather not have to swim in the “political party A is evil and political party B is angelic” muck in unrelated magazines.
That’s hard to avoid on such a huge site where something like 50ish percent of the userbase is American. I totally agree with you though - it’s super irratating to be on a sub, talking about friggin Spiderman’s webfluid or something, and some dumbass in the comments has to relate the debate back to some American Republican talking points or something.
it’s super irratating to be on a sub, talking about friggin Spiderman’s webfluid or something
Having recently watched the latest Spiderman movie, wut?
I’m just making up a throwaway example. Once upon a time there was a debate about whether Spidey’s webfluid should be organic or if he should have webshooters. I’m personally in the webshooter camp - it’s one of the great examples we get of Peter being a genius who was so smart he could invent something so spectacular at such a young age with limited resources and no help. I really hated the organic idea. I thought it dumbed Pete down and was contradictory to the established character. And, I’m just saying, those kinds of discussions are the worst place to run into some idiot that can’t help but interject their personal politics, or mention their favorite candidates/pols for no reason. I always thought it must be just exhausting to be so totally consumed with poitics that you have to try to bring it up in every conversation, no matter how much of a non sequitur it ends up being.
I said this the other day. Post on Reddit about English something. First comments were about american culture. Had to scroll until I found opinions from the UK.
Everything becomes murica. It’s infuriating. I get reddit is basically America and it’s a large population but so is India or China or Africa. Doesn’t just need to be America all the time.
That’s not just a Reddit thing, it’s an Internet thing.
Americans absolutely dominate the English-speaking Internet.
But then the population of the US is greater than the population of Australia, the UK, New Zealand and Canada combined, twice over.
Not to sound like a prude, but porn.
There’s no shortage of it and most places have it in some way.
It’d be awesome to be a classier/more serious version of Reddit.
This sounds like something the fediverse should be able to solve easily. For people who don’t want to be anywhere near porn, you can start a fediverse site and just not aggregate porn, and then like-minded people can go there, and nobody has to be cut off from everybody else just because of differences of opinion about porn.
I know some people enjoy them, but I personally tended to insta-block all the creative writing communities. Things like talesfromyourserver (all the talesfrom subs, to be honest), maliciouscompliance, prorevenge, etc. I find the majority of those types of subs to be toploaded with absolute bullshit. THe kinds of things where people have some kind of conflict they didn’t deal well with in real life, and now they had a place to type out their wishful fantasies that make them seem clever and tough and quick witted, but in reality they formulated it all while laying in bed fuming about what actually happened.
I also had a love/hate relationship with AmItheAsshole/devil/jerk etc, and subs like r/relationshipadvice. I’ve long suspected that there’s a loooot of posts on those types of subs that I suspect are not only fake stories, but are outright designed to trigger outrage reactions towards specific (often marginalized) groups. Like stories that are specifically crafted to make a woman look bad/evil/stupid for example. Just dog whistling, and purposely being divisive.
You sumarize my thoughts as well. Honorable mention to/r/BestofRedditorUpdates. Sometimes there was a nice/wholesome story in there, but most of it was nightmare fuel and a lot of it probably creative writing.
I could binge that sub just because seeing how the updates unfolded was super interesting some of the time. But it also had me feeling pretty negative, given how there were commonly toxic characters in the stories. I won’t be rushing to recreate that scene here on the Fediverse.
BORU also had wayyyyy too many karma farming duplicate content posts. And their 1-year post rule just encouraged people to go back 1 year and then copy and paste posts with a lot of upvotes just to farm more karma.
It was good to have updates and stories consolidated in one place, I know. It just enabled too much repetitive copying and pasting due to the karma it provided.
I definitely get this sentiment, but as far as creative writing I really enjoyed good /writingprompts. Especially some of the better comments creating and expanding on the story in new and interesting ways. Hopefully something like that will be replicated here, though I’m no writer so definitely won’t be leading the charge there.