3 points

TFW it’s TGIF but you work on Saturday.


1 point


1 point

purr purr

3 points

As much as I advocate for sensible, non-emotional investing via passive means, it’s hard to ignore:

  1. the bear case where after a yield curve inversion, the stock market usually only crashes after the yield curve uninverts. This has yet to happen, which adds to the suspense, as it’s currently very inverted.

  2. the bull case where CPI is noticeably heading back towards the Fed’s target of 2% (latest report at 3% y/y). The Fed has already said the last Fed meeting decision was a “skip”, implying that a hike is still on the cards for future meetings, however the market has been performing very positively over the past 2 months. Related to the bear case, the yield curve will uninvert once the Fed decides to cut rates instead of hiking. On the technical front, on a higher time frame, the monthly MACD had a bullish crossover for all broad-based equities indices. This could still be a FOMO rally, but so was the last 10 years (as the US market’s return was primarily driven by higher PE ratios rather than dividend yields or book value, compared to rest of the world where PE ratios are still relatively tame). For all we know, the Fed might pull off this “soft landing” shenanigan.

Well, I lied. If I just ignored the noise, and emotionlessly and periodically added to my investment portfolio come rain or shine, I would’ve ended up much better. The odds are in my favour if I just stuck to the plan.

Of course, this only comes up when market is up. Even crypto is up after some extremely favourable news yesterday. When the market is down, “oh syukor tak all-in lagi”.

4 points

I think most daily thread regular migrated. Dt has waaay less traffic than before.

And why does lemmy keep asking me to relogin? I wonder if theres some boxes i havent check yet.

3 points

Do you get the relogin when opening the site? Or does it ask you to do it every refresh?

1 point

It ask meto relog everytime i reoppen the apps. I mean i understand that its not an app, just an icon created to enter the site. But i had no problem with login when i just joined, not sure why i have to face that now.

2 points

Yeah, i got the same problem as well. Cleaning cache doesn’t fix it either. Anyway, next time just refresh the page and it will fix it right away, i do it every time.

5 points

not so long ago, maybe 6-7 years ago, just before GE, the daily thread used to be very deserted lol, double digit almost every single day. This chat thread does remind me of the calmness the old DT provided me, and hopefully many other people.

if you go even further back maybe 7-8 years ago, the entire sub was a desert, you could post very strange questions like What does everyone do for a living, What is everyone’s favourite food etc… HAHHA

2 points

I was there for 1500 subscriber - there wasn’t a daily thread or anything. I ran across the sub before, but i wasn’t active or anything. The meme golden era where meme chains can last days or weeks, the ‘we are serious sub, no meme’ time, the screaming political posts and comments era (no meme and only serious posts make monyets cranky), and then return of the meme (monday)

one of the time the amount of people spiked was during the ODF debate i think. tech people already on reddit finally found their way to r/malaysia even if they ignored it before.

3 points

What’s ODF debate? Open document sth? Google’s saying that’s from 2007?

Damn that’s real old… I only joined at around 2015/2016 when it had around 6800 subs. Remember 10000 being a big event. Reddit never appealed to me cause the UI kinda wack.

From there it snowballed, with the two GEs + Sheraton Move being the biggest user magnet.

Maybe monyet.cc can grow if we weather a few of those events haha

1 point

try clearing cookies (if you don’t want to be logged out everywhere, do it only for this site) because there was a lemmy cookie bug that was fixed last week, and old cookies carried over from before the fix could cause such problems

2 points

try clearing cookies

Shit, no wonder. I still have two cookie i haven:t finished yet.

3 points

cystic acne sucks man… they’re all around my chin area. fucking painful.

currently taking doxycycline, was told to be patient and i need at least 3 months to see effect. it’s almost month 3 now but it only got worse. visiting parents in my hometown atm and left my acne cream (some antibiotics + topical retinol cocktail) in my apartment.

gonna try bezoyl peroxide later as stop gap solution.

1 point

Good luck man, gf had it and I felt so bad for her. It’s hormonal right? Making it even harder to resolve? The worst part of it is people giving normal skincare advice and not hormonal skin care advice lol

1 point

Yeah it’s hormonal acne.

The worst part of it is people giving normal skincare advice and not hormonal skin care advice lol

Yo this so much…. Normal skincare advice do not work lol. Even with prescription topical retinol it’s difficult enough to manage.

My dad thinks it’s shingle and keeps asking me to go to this folk medicine place involving them snapping some rubber band near the ears to “kill” the snake…. He said it worked for him 🤣

1 point

My gf gets a lot of generic advice like changing sheets, wash face, use moisturizer, etc. But one advice stuck out to her - it is to take a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil every morning before eating. Weirdest advice she’s heard, and she heard it from two people on completely separate occasions. Both these people also dealt with hormonal acne.

Does it work? We don’t know because on the first day of trying it, she learned that she hated the taste of a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil lmao so I can’t vouch for it.

3 points

My parents always nudged me to exercise more while saying I can eat whatever I want. But do you guys think exercise or diet is more effective? Or it’s a mix of both? Personally I think it’s a mix of both, but sometimes I’d get fatter for no reason(even though I was still exercising) then I’d somehow get slimmer for no reason(I wasn’t exercising during this period because I was exhausted from work). My diet was pretty much the same.

I really don’t understand how my body works.

1 point
1 point

Does it really affect our bodies that much? I know sleep and stress levels affect cortisol, but I swear there have been times where I got fat due to stress and sometimes I’m stressed but I still got slimmer 😂

1 point

yes, cortisol encourages fat to be deposited near abdomen to save them from later. whilst cortisol increase appetite, adrenaline according to my understanding will inhibit appetite. So it’s actually a combination of factors? maybe sometimes one is higher than the others.

so many factors - your mental health, your genes etc may all play a role, in theory.

certain cultures, ie. south asian cultures are also more prone to obesity due to evolution.

1 point

it’s a mix of both. I have been doing intermittent fasting for 4-5 years now, i used to be able to lose my weight and maintain it at low -er level. my metabolism has perhaps slowed down and IF is no longer working on its own and I could no longer eat whatever the hell i bloody want. Perhaps try swimming, it’s like the only sports that doesn’t feel like Essesise imo.

Also are you a woman? I’m asking because women can gain weight due to hormonal fluctuations so it’s natural? And if by fatter you mean appearance-wise, could be due to salt retention and what not - try cutting down sodium intake.

1 point

Yeah I’m a woman. I hate my hormones so much because they’re been very weird lately. I’m not sure it’s appearance wise or not since I don’t have a scale here.

I can’t do IF because a hungry stomach distracts me from my work

1 point

hungry stomach isn’t a huge problem for me, but the fogginess does affect me when it comes to productivity work. If i want shit done i will still have brekkie lol.

-1 points

Disclaimer: This is not health advice. I’m only describing what I know from chubbyemu’s personal experience.

Always do diet control first. No point burning calories if the intake valve is wide open.

Basic exercise follows. Don’t overdo it at the start. Go slow and steady. Only ramp up when progress plateaued with diet + basic.

1 point

Yeah Im doing diet control alright. I’ve definitely reduced my calory/carb intake and it’s been working great. I want to go keto, but I’ll have to prepare for every single meal and it’s inconvenient when I eat with others(some places don’t let you bring your own food)

1 point

If the purpose just to lose weight, I would say go with dieting.

Do exercise when you wanna get in better shape. Saw too many people got demotivated to lose weight because they think they need to exercise and push yourself but I’m the end they feel like eating more because of it.

So I would say focus on the diet first. It’s a process, it’ll take time. Slow and steady also take care yourself too.

3 points

Oh dear… I never really thought of it that way. Must be what happened to me during my previous failures. 🤣 But right now I am saving money on food anyway, so it’s much easier to control what I eat. I’m already avoiding excessive outside food by eating dinner at home unless I’m outside.

Back when I was still living with my parents as a student it was much harder to control my desire for food(sry dad mom for wasting your money).

1 point

Off to a good start already, cutting down on outside food and also processed food. The less processed it is, much better for you. Can eat food with high water content to make yourself feel more full too.

2 points

I think you need a combination of both. As always, fitness is a very diverse subject with everyone being their own experts (and have different experiences cos of variations in…everything) so take this with a grain of salt.

In my mind, I group fitness/dieting activities into 3 major categories:

  1. Eat better- eat less carbs but prevent hunger pangs and binge eating by making sure you replace the lost carbs with other foods like veggies, meat, tofu, eggs. When eating out, the most practical way to do is to eat mixed rice shops. The chinese ones, malay ones, the indian ones, wtv. In my experience, balanced meals usually results in better mood and less cravings for sweets/chips/snacks. That’s even better, cos you don’t need to expend willpower to stop yourself from stuffing your face with kerepek ubi pedas.

  2. Exercise to build muscle- muscle uses more energy even when idling (when you’re sleeping, sitting, watching TV, etc). So building some additional muscle throughout will make you use more energy and draw down some of those fat reserves. A mix of body weight exercises is not difficult, just a bit of many things, consistently. Gradually tone up those muscles.

  3. Exercise to burn calories. Running, swimming, etc. You need to keep your heart rate within a range so either buy a fitness watch or learn to quickly measure you pulse on your neck.

1 point

issue with malay and indian mxed rice is they never understand what is Kurang Manis, and the kuah and curry memang sedap can you guarantee you will portion control…? hahhaa… also the curry dishes require pecah minyak before they pour in the rempah, uses way more oil than Chinese cooking. typing this out already make me salivate yummmmm

1 point

Thanks for the tips in exercising! I normally go to mixed rice shops because they are cheaper haha

1 point

For mixed rice usually I’ll get a small small rice. Like 3 heaped tablespoons enough d. Get meat, a huge pile of not-very-oily veg (but not carbs like potato or pumpkin), and egg (not the deep fried one) or tofu.

Easy enough to keep this guide as a habit, and it’s not too brutal that you end up with cravings.

1 point

Coming in a bit late but I’ll say this: if you want to exercise for fitness, yes please do. But exercise and/or dieting for weight loss is basically… Bunk. Yes there will be (short-term) results but much of the state of evidence in 2023 will tell you that TLDR your body is very good at staying alive and if your weight setpoint is such-and-such, then work with the body you have to give you the fitness that’ll give you good long term prospects. Even your own personal experience (at your age) is telling you there’s no real meaningful correlation, meaningful as in you can’t minmax your way to a solution. General advice about living well seems sound, but nutrition and fitness science literature is showing there’s really no standard pathway that you can hack. BBIAB with citations.

1 point

That’s interesting… I’ve seen a lot of people on the internet saying something actually works for them, but it’s usually something very extreme like keto diet and/or intermittent fasting. I haven’t tried either yet, but I don’t want to resort to these if possible.

1 point

I was trying to find all sorts of articles etc but then it would be overwhelming, so i’m gonna say, if you need to read anything, it’s just this one: Training and Diet are Simple Because Your Body is Complex

There are certainly more and less efficient ways for your body to accomplish any particular purpose, and those things certainly matter at elite levels of competition, but it’s easy to over-emphasize the differences and ignore the broad domains where pretty sizable differences in application really just don’t matter all that much for most people, most of the time.

We like to use mechanical analogies to explain our bodies. But, quite simply, those analogies just aren’t very good.

For example, a car needs a very particular type of fuel, it performs equally well until it runs out of fuel but stops functioning completely the moment it runs out, and it only has a single way of accomplishing any purpose (if one part doesn’t function correctly the whole machine stops working, or starts functioning much, much worse).

A car is linear. With a car, cause and effect are easy to unravel.

If you conceptualize your body as a linear system, it becomes much, much easier to get hung up on the details.

In a linear system, a small tweak can be the difference between optimal function and zero function. A small tweak will have predictable downstream consequences.

In a messy, nonlinear system, small tweaks are much less important. Fasted cardio? Eating six meals per day? Post-workout supplement regimens? Finding a magic rep range (that’s the topic of next week’s article)?

It’s not that those things won’t make any difference. It’s just that, if they do make a difference, the difference will probably be very small, since those things are just details, not big-picture items.

In a messy, redundant, nonlinear system, small tweaks generally get lost in the noise.

the other comments you’ve got are all pretty much sensible advice, and try to figure out your best way forward using the state of mind in the article I linked. fwiw that site is very popular for people into strength training, but their advice has been very sensible. your body is optimized to keep you alive - being healthy while you’re alive is pretty much only a bonus. The state of the literature like I mentioned shows the variety of pathways a person can be healthy with - I mean just a couple of months ago, apparently eating ice-cream regularly is probably good for certain types of diabetes (because of how it impacts the blood sugar level). One research (I’m sharing my other forum’s discussion on it, because NYT and gated academic wall) indicates that there seems to be no optimal diet really for our species, based on the various cultures studied; despite the wide range of eating habits (don’t forget the indigenous people near the Arctic basically live off of seal fat), people seem to show the same general range of good health.

ETA: And in this discussion, it’s about the critical baseline flaw in obesity research (and subsequent findings, preliminary or otherwise, that inform the diet and fitness industry). And if there’s one outmoded ‘talking point’ that no one actually takes seriously on the research side, is the idea of Calorie-In-Calorie-Out. Too much contradictory evidence especially since nutrition science honestly really became a thing in the 20th century, it’s only recently we’re getting more proper longitudinal/long-term data from the same groups of people.

1 point

omg i was typing a long ass comment but accidentally cancelled and now it’s gone. Here I go retyping it.

The commenters here are right, but so are your parents.

Exercise regulates your hormones and keeps your hunger in check. But after exercising, you’re gonna be hungrier than usual. Just make sure you’re eating what you normally do. Drinking more plain water might help prevent overeating.

You’re a woman so you have hormones that make you crave certain types of food. Give in to those cravings, but keep it in moderation - you want to satisfy your craving, not eat a whole meal of them. E.g. if you’re craving chocolate, grab one or two small cubes and eat them slowly. If you’re craving fried chicken, have a couple of wings or a drumstick but not too much more. If you suppress it, you’re gonna stress yourself out which messes up your metabolism or your productivity.

I have a wall of text typed up which I’ll put in a following comment, but you can ignore it because lots of people give diet/exercise advice but you should avoid information overload. Work on yourself little by little and don’t feel obliged to apply every advice in your life right away. You can always come back and re-read later.

2 points

The wall of text:

I think you should continue to eat whatever you want like your parents say, but not however much you want. You’re reducing your carb intake which is a good step! It’s much better than completely cutting out carbs because your mind and body are gonna stress out over sudden diet changes.

A very difficult habit you could try to learn is to eat until you’re satisfied, and not until you’re full. If you’d like to start, it will help if you focus purely on eating when you’re having your meals. That means no phones, no work, no TV - anything that causes you to mindlessly put food into your mouth because it makes you lose track of your fullness. You can kinda still do the above, but when you’re performing the action of putting food in your mouth and chewing your food make sure to focus purely on those actions and yourself.

Also learn to be okay with not emptying your plate. It’s a habit a lot of us learn as kids, but we should stop thinking about the kids in Africa because it’s not our fault they’re not getting food. And if you’re worried about the farmers who painstakingly grew our rice, they have more machines that help them these days anyway.

With regards to snacking, obviously you should minimize it, but don’t completely avoid it. Some tips are:

  • Snack with a purpose. E.g. you’re nearing your period and you are craving. Snacking because bored should be avoided.
  • Drink a bit of plain water first. If you still want to snack after 10 mins, then go ahead.
  • Put effort into your snacking. Turn snacking into an action that takes effort. Rather than reaching for a bag of chips, put some in a bowl, slice up a bit of cucumbers to have alongside it. Rather than just having some chocolate, slice up a fruit to have alongside it.
  • Remember that it’s still a snack and not a full meal though, so small amounts is enough.
  • Focus still applies when snacking - avoid distractions while performing the action of putting food in your mouth.
1 point

Also learn to be okay with not emptying your plate

I recently heard of an explanation like this: Excess food on your plated is wasted if you throw it away, or if you eat it. If you eat it, you also get fatter.

1 point

That’s a new perspective on snacking that I’ve never thought of before. Thanks for the detailed writeup! I definitely got extra stress from trying to restrain myself from snacking. When I’m stressed because of work, my appetite increases a lot but then I know I can’t eat because I need to control my diet, which adds to even more stress.




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