Everyone who loves smith at the expense of Marx has never read either.
As if Marx’s work doesn’t build from the work of previous economists INCLUDING Smith! Pure idealist nonsense but what else do you expect from liberals.
“half of reddit”
fuck i wish
As a Marxist, I look at Adam Smith as an economist who was examining the necessary advancement of political economy. The wealth of nations is a book that mostly observes the emergence of a new economic system. We all believe in historical materialism, Adam Smith fits right in for us because he advocated for a newer and more efficient economic system which was an improvement over the mercantilism of the day.
He also correctly identified the contradictions and drawbacks of Capitalism just as it was getting started. I never read his other book but it’s the opposite of “men only act in their self interest” or so I’ve heard.
You can tell none of them have ever read The Wealth of Nations, because they would’ve labelled Smith a dirty commie for some of his takes.