Are you decreasing the distance, while maintaining usual tempo, or the other way around?
I personally rather decrease the speed to keep my usual distance. Pack a camel back and keep on trucking.
Can’t wait for fall.
I live far enough north that my mornings have still been relatively cool. So I’ve been prioritizing running early. My afternoons and evenings have been pretty uncomfortable. So we’ve had to skip some of our daily evening dog walks.
First thing I do is run right when the sun goes down. It’s cooler, less people driving around in the neighborhood, and I don’t have to put on sunscreen.
Then if it’s still hot, I run slower. Distance means more to me than speed.
I run shorter distances and try to increase my pace (within reason) so I am not out there as long
I try to avoid running at the worst times, and just try to keep my current distances and pace, though they have fallen a little.
Similar distances and paces, higher heart rate and suffering