2 points

I have XM4s (typical awful naming structure of Sony) and love them but there a few things I hope they fixed. The touchpads are sensitive to my hat or hood and the quick actions are not incredibly intuitive, three taps to go back a song could be improved with a touch on a more specific area.

Also the voiceover is a bit long-winded “ambient sound on” just change it, it is cancelled or ambient it will only ever change to the other option. So just do it and don’t say anything.

Other than that heavy recommend this range, incredible battery life. ANC is really good and likely improved in this iteration.

2 points

I had a pair of XM4’s that I bought second hand. They were great for all of the reasons you cite - until Sony rolled out the firmware update that trashed the batteries of countless numbers of these. I saw online that people were having luck getting replacements, but since mine were second hand Sony wouldn’t do anything.

I’ve moved on to B&O now. I did like the Sony’s, but I’m not rewarding a company with more money just because they bricked my devices.

1 point

I don’t do any of those updates, I don’t think anyway.




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