Can someone give me a hint on where to find a cracked version of bitwig studio for arch? I’ve been looking for a while and I could only find a .deb, I tried some method to install .deb on arch but im not yet an expert and I couldn’t get it to work, thanks in advance
Try extracting the .deb file
Just FYI, I’ve not had much luck with cracked Bitwig - its clever enough to detect the protection is bypassed and blasts static for a few seconds every few minutes. Not usable. Granted this was a year or three back, so things may have changed.
Haven’t had time to try it yet, but I was just able to find a crack for the bitwig v4.3 flatpak by searching “bitwig linux crack” on Yandex. You’ll have to translate the page from Russian, and the obvious caveats apply with it being from Russia.
Do you really need it when you could use FOSS instead?