Pavel Durov:
Every day, Telegram’s moderators and AI tools remove millions of obviously harmful content from our public platform. However, tackling war-related coverage is seldom obvious.
Earlier this week, Hamas used Telegram to warn civilians in Ashkelon to leave the area ahead of their missile strikes. Would shutting down their channel help save lives — or would it endanger more lives?
It’s always tempting to act on emotional impulses. But such complex situations require thorough consideration that should also take into account the differences between social platforms.
Unlike other apps that algorithmically promote shocking content to unsuspecting people, on Telegram, users receive only the content to which they specifically subscribed. As such, it’s unlikely that Telegram channels can be used to significantly amplify propaganda. Instead, they serve as a unique source of first-hand information for researchers, journalists, and fact-checkers.
While it would be easy for us to destroy this source of information, doing so risks exacerbating an already dire situation.
I don’t understand how people can be okay with Telegram openly supporting the al-Qasam Brigades.
Not too sure what Google was trying to achieve here - nothing is stopping anyone from creating a new channel/group/whatever for the same purpose…
The restrictions don’t apply if you downloaded Telegram from outside the Play Store either
Telegram Android is moderated because Google has to adhere to countries’ demand. Else they get banned operating in that region.
And 99% people if not 99.999999% Android users use Play Store.
Not really, most authoritative countries tend to censor or throttle connection by odering their ISP. Google most did it because it could get bad PR for allowing app hosting hamas content other social medial are self regulating
And 99% people if not 99.999999% Android users use Play Store.
This is true, but if I were interested in a channel and the government made Google block it, I would side-load Telegram and get around the block.
So this is a token effort that won’t affect the people who actually want to see this content.
Meh, not the first time they’ve blocked stuff when requested. Russia has asked them to remove stuff a handful of times and they’ve complied.
They only comply when asked by google/apple because otherwise they risk getting banned on their stores.
That’s why they advice you to, on android, download the app via the web. Because there, these companies have no say and the content is unrestricted.
is Telegram FOSS on fdroid restrictive?
Don’t think so. You can always sideload the apk from Telegram themselves unlike iOS.
I personally cant be bothered, no auto update function as seamless as Play Store.