I download my music videos and shuffle them in mpv. Sometimes i want a certain song so i want like a hotkey to open ~/Music\ Videos/ and search for a file. I used rofi file browser extended from the aur but i cant get it to compile on debian
fzf is a great tool for this job. https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/examples
You should be able to change directory to the one you want. https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/wiki/examples#changing-directory
video_directory="~/Music Videos/ "
while true; do
read -p "Enter music video: " prompt
find "$video_directory" -type f -name "*$prompt*" -exec umpv {} \;
I know a few terminal-based file managers but I don’t think those will help solve your problem. I recommend you to somehow port ( I don’t see why rofi doesn’t work on your debian tho ) rofi onto debian so that you can keep on your workflow.
I’m completely not sure, but did you clone the repository with recursive flag?
It’s presumably related to your includePath or something.
P.S. I think I’ve figured out:
You need to have rofi ^1.6.1 installed on your system.
There are file browsers for mpv, probably what you want. https://github-wiki-see.page/m/mpv-player/mpv/wiki/User-Scripts
Shuffle playlist as a shortcut or cli-argument? Shortcuts can be customized in inputs config.
Also there are three in the list (only searching for „browse“): blackbox, file-browser, simple-loader
file-browser (or mpv-file-browser) can be customized for shortcuts. blackbox and simple-loader i could not find if they can be.