Is there any good sites for audiobooks that aren’t behind private trackers? I have a great set up with normal ebooks but my wife’s job has here driving for multiple hours a day so she wants audiobooks and I can’t seem to find any consistent sites. had a massive collection of audiobook torrents. 1 torrent per letter of alphabet according to author last name. I assume it’s still in there somewhere
I had some luck with this project I plan to re install soon.
might be too few for you, but audible gives you free books every time you sign up for trial. this applies to ALL their different domains. .au, .com,, so forth.
then you just use inaudible and bam. free audio book
Do you use Usenet? Then any spotweb(spotnab) site will give you tons.
Oh and I believe Readarr can do Audiobooks as well as regular ebooks (Not tested it myself).