If you’re thinking in tickets and arrests, you’re not really thinking about justice.
China: Does something cool
Redditors: *Incoherent sinophobic screeching"
China can do all the cool things it wants, not gonna wanna live there whilst the great firewall remains up and it’s ruled by a dictator.
Why do you think anyone cares that you don’t want to live in China because you’d have to use a VPN to feed your hentai addiction?
don’t be too harsh, white libs think they are the center of the universe, so its only natural they think everyone cares about what they think
Of course an unelected dictator would be bad. That reminds me, which Supreme Court Justices are you voting for next?
Fuck dude. My state of Texas won’t let me vote for Houston ISD board members, now that the state has done a coup de tat on the entire public school administration. Who even gives a shit about the SCOTUS when I’m getting dragged out of a PTA meeting in handcuffs, on the orders of a jumped up real estate agent.
don’t even have to go to reddit for the now that we’re federated with the redditors themselves lmao
Me, living in a free country with unlimited freedom to do any free thing I want: “Fuck, the police booted my car and now I need to pay hundreds of dollars in fines plus higher insurance premiums.”
You, a fucking sucker who lives in a shitty hell-hole fascist dystopia: “Damn, my car got moved to a legal parking spot, which I consider a mild annoyance. I’m going to blog about this on Weibo but not on Reddit, because I lack freedom.”
Yeah maybe you should have a policy of not speaking on things before investigating them.
More Chinese people believe their government is democratic compared to the number of Americans who think their government is democratic
It’s China, individual independent businesses don’t exist.
When you definitely understand the Chinese Economy.
It’s China, individual independent businesses don’t exist.
wait did china press the communism button while i was gone
how can they be independent when the owners are Chinese? did they get surgery to disconnect their brains from the CCP hive mind?
Chinese people must pay taxes to the government therefore they all agree with the government on all matters
NOOOO! There must be constant, agonizing punishment for every crime!
I have parked your vehicle in an annoying place
If a Silicon Valley bro had come up with this and pay gated it behind an app called “Parkrrr”, Redditors would soyface all over this.