For me its when someone tells me to bring them something. If i try to find something that i need, i will find it really quickly. If someone is asking me to find something for them in a room, it is like i become blind and even if its in front of me, it is really hard to find it.
Procastination for sure. It gives me so much stress, yet it’s so hard not to do.
Second this - followed by my restless body… always moving/shaking doing something…
I work at a desk and I have lots of pent up energy. I have a little set of pedals beneath my desk, labeled ‘My ADHD meds’ :3
For me it’s probably forgetfulness. When it comes to events I’ve started telling people if it’s not in my calendar it doesn’t exist. Now I just need to start utilizing a to-do list so I don’t forget things I have to do.
It used to be difficulty starting things, which led to insane burnout. Now with medication, that’s mostly taken care of, but my forgetfulness hasn’t gone away, so that’s now the new leader lol.
For me it’s the seeming like a really forgetful person. I have a good memory about things I’m really interested in or when my meds are working. When I don’t remember something it’s usually because I wasn’t paying enough attention or was off my meds and half paying attention.
No concept of time. I’ll sit down and feel a bit hungry, but not enough to eat yet, so I’ll tell myself “oh I’ll eat in an hour”. Then I’ll blink and it’s been at least four hours and I didn’t notice getting so hungry I’ll end up overeating.