Someone on my town Facebook page complaining about not having any options for internet (Comcast only in our town) and someone chimes in not to worry because wired internet is dead and everyone should just 4G through T-Mobile SMH

1 point

China is starting to roll out their 6G already which promises 100Gbit/sec. By the time the rest of the world gets its from a other vendors China will already have over 2 million towers upgraded to the system, just like what happened with 5G.

1 point

Cool, some shithead talking about technology like they have a clue. I’m sure someday wireless tech will eclipse wired, but we aren’t near that yet. When the telcos are completely commoditized and not prioritizing traffic, or throttling after a dozen or so gigs, MAYBE there will be a shift.

I don’t have a data cap and I have a 1gbps line to my house in the US. I pay about 100 bucks a month.

1 point

I just rewired a 40 year old house with Cat6 so the APs on both ends are optimal and media center wired in. Very relevant even with wireless. Repeaters are not efficient.

1 point

I just wanna say every employees home network setup that comes across my desk for approving their WFH that states they have 5G home internets instantly gets flagged as a concern.

We use an onsite EMR and the firewall is fine but the EMR if a single packet is lost craps the bed. I don’t trust that aspect of the home internet yet. I’m willing to set them up on our employee remote server but 5G home networking is just abysmal in so many ways.

1 point

They milked the old copper for decades but they are going to abandon the brand new fiber? They are still installing coaxial and twisted pair. In 100 years we will still be patching into old Comcast coxial build outs.


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