Hi, so I bought this zigbee 2gang smart module with power monitoring, however, if I’m reading correctly the wiring diagram, it expects me to wire the switches to Neutral instead of Live, is that safe/correct?


All of my other dumb switches are wired to live, and I’ve always wired my smart switches to Live, could this be different because of the power monitoring?

1 point

L - Line(live)
L1 - Load 1(light/motor)
N - Neutral
L2 - Load 2(light/motor)
S1 - Switch 1(for load 1)
S2 - Switch 2(for load 2)

The smart switch requires a Line, a Neutral, and a Load(Ln) as a bare minimum.

1 point

The module needs neutral to power itself. A lot of the non-neutral units needs hubs or do nothing when the switch is turned off. This one will likely have some small power draw but stays connected at all times

Needing the neutral is normal, just be very careful of a short-circuit if you’re wiring it yourself.

Also to avoid confusion most folks refer to L as line for power and Load for application.

Hope this helps!

1 point

Thanks man,

I do understand that the module requires neutral, but what is weird for me is that according to their wiring diagram, the neutral also goes into the dumb wall light switch, instead of Live, is that also normal? I´ve always send Live to the wall switches.

1 point

The switches go to s1 and s2. Do not connect anything else to s1 and s2.

1 point

Right, but the wall switch (not the zigbee module) shouldn’t also have Live besides the S1 and s@ connections? in the diagram it says to provide it with Neutral


Home Automation


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Home automation is the residential extension of building automation.

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