Nice. Which tutorial did you follow? I’ve seen a few on the web.
No way is this working as an ups. It may work as a back up for voltage drop, an ups works as a sure protector, monitors incoming voltage, power conditioner and battery back up. 2 12v 7ah is barely enough for a few devices. Most take 4 to handle the wattage. Be safe.
Wow, I didn’t know 18650s go all the way up to 3800 Mah
Surprisingly there are some cells up to 4000 mAh now, independently tested.
But I’d still be skeptical of anything I haven’t tested myself. Far too many fakes on the market, and it’s really easy to rewrap with a faked label.
That said, if the pack as a whole works well enough for /u/Harenraj56’s purposes, then the true rating doesn’t necessarily matter. Could still be a good idea to test for balancing purposes.
I mean, good thought. But you couldn’t pay me enough to put this in my home. Former electrical engineer a lifetime ago, this is not safe. At all. A plastic, ungrounded box. You did a good job on the shrink-wrapping, you still have a lot of exposed connections. 15v2a isn’t that high, but still a short to ground or a Li-ion battery run off, you’re going to have a very bad day.
I also Like DIY but at this time and Age, getting a 30W type C USB-PD charger, 30W Type C USB-PD powerbank, and a type C 12V activator/adapter woukd be My way to do it. Easier to replace by buying an over-the-counter replacement. That way I can also instruct someone else to buy and replace stuff Without me. It gets tiring to fix things yourself because people dont Even recognize basic electronics. And I can use a 15V type c adapter or 5V for other Network equipment Like an Asus router or a low-power tplink switch.
Another way would be a fast enough charger, to a powerbank that can do passthru, and a dual-head 5-to-12V2A adapter.
But still pretty cool. I remember Building a powerbank Full of AAs and a Couple of LM7805 to give 5V2A to My PSP. Good times.