boring real news
They say the peso and lira were too unstable and prices were being changed too often, so Valve just told devs to start setting prices in USD at “regionally appropriate” rates. I am not aware of Gaben’s opinions on Argentinian politics, thankfully
Ruble, Hyrvnia and the Rupee are back on top for having cheapest games
Valve’s regional pricing is now even more nonsensical than before and encourages piracy
It puts the lie to the idea that capitalism seeks the lowest prices - this whole system wouldn’t exist if not for the fact that Valve and game devs are actually seeking out the highest price each market will bear.
free market go brr
something something Gaben quote about providing better services to detract piracy something something.
so that was a fucking lie, seeing as how his very own platform backpedaled from it
The most effective antipiracy measure has to be how easy steam workshop is no?
It is also kinda garbage, the entry is easier, but as a user there are no tools for anything. No version history, no way to find the download folder. Nothing.