I am running Vger.app on Safari, current version on a MacBook Air. I keep seeing the badge for an update, but when I run the update, the badge is still there. It is version 1.25.0.
I now see the badge whenever I browse on Voyager.
Yeah, safari has a bug where when the SSL certificate renews, the service worker won’t update. Super annoying. But it is tracked on GitHub and I will be taking a look soon. Probably just have to blow away the service worker manually for Safari ಥ_ಥ
edit: Can you try pasting the following code into Safari’s JS console on the vger.app site? Let me know if the notice disappears.
(async function() {
try {
// Get all service worker registrations
const registrations = await navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations();
// Unregister all service workers concurrently using Promise.all
await Promise.all(
registrations.map((registration) => registration.unregister())
} finally {
// After unregistering, reload the page
window.location.href = "/";
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