What is the point of having a 2.5Gb LAN port if you’re WAN port is only 1Gb?

Makes no sense to me.

MY ISP is giving me 2Gb up/down so wouldn’t the 1Gb WAN port be bottlenecking my speeds?

That IS the port I have to connect to from my ONT(Fiber modem) yes?

1 point

Maybe look at the GT-AX6000. Has two 2.5 ports that one can be configured for wan, if that’s what you’re looking for.

1 point

Yes, but if they provide multiple interfaces or you connect to a multi-gig switch you could connect multiple 1gb wan interfaces.

1 point

If you read the manual, you’d see you can use the 2.5Gbps port for either LAN or WAN.

1 point

I didn’t buy it so I don’t have the manual and it’s clearly something that’s slowly being introduced into the market so there is very little talk about it. But I just spent hours researching it and people have confirmed that having a 2.5 Gbe Ethernet port/WAN does give them more than their 1GB service they’re paying for from their ISP. Having 1gig WAN keeps you below 1gig. Makes sense to me. There are a couple gaming laptops now with 2.5Gbe as well as a couple routers with 2.5Gb Wan port.

1 point

If only there were some way of instantly electronically accessing it over a large data communication network.


Also good lord that thing is ridiculous. But then again most routers that use the term “gaming router” are.


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