Hello! I am currently trying to set up a MOCA network (screenbeam 7250) in my house and noticed that the installation guide recommends two POE filters - one at the entry point to the house, and one at the entry point to my cable internet modem. For context, I have 1.5 Gbps cable internet with an XB7 router (Rogers Internet in Canada) which uses DOCSIS 3.1. That router is running in bridge mode to a network of three Eero 6 Pros.

Does anyone know what kind of filters would be proper for my setup? Let me know if I need to add any more information. Thanks in advance!

1 point

I have 1.5 Gbps cable internet with an XB7 router (Rogers Internet in Canada) which uses DOCSIS 3.1.

The question is whether the provider/service plan requires using DOCSIS 3.1 frequencies above 1002 MHz. Can you access the XB7 to see what frequencies are currently, actually being used for the DOCSIS download channels?

If all the download channel frequencies are below 1002 MHz, then installing a separate 70 dB MoCA filter on the gateway’s coax port can provide insurance against MoCA interfering with the gateway operation, as well as avoid the gateway disrupting the (ScreenBeam) MoCA network should the gateway MoCA bridge somehow become enabled.


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