X Tech just left and checked all the connections, splitters, etc. and concluded I am getting great service up to the modem (a 3 year old Motorola MB7621). He recommended buying a modem+router combo, DOCSIS 3.1. He liked netgear. The choices are overwhelming and costly!

Any suggestions for a home (2 adults, 2 kids) with basic needs that is a) a combo, b) good value and c) will last for 3-5 years? Thanks!

1 point

I like the SB8200… no issues with the SB8300 I just don’t know what chipset it uses.

But either way, you really need DOCSIS 3.1. OFDM is a game changer and it’s only a matter of time before D3.0 devices are kicked off the network. It’s shameful that you can still buy them.

OFDM has much higher spectral density. That is, it packs more speed into the same spectrum. As operators increase network speeds, they are allocating more to OFDM and it’s upstream cousin OFDMA, and less toward its D3.0 predecessor SC-QAM.

1 point

Lease until docsis 4 comes out


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