
I want to build my own router because the current one I have is missing some features I require (like netboot for example). The only problem I have found so far is that I need some way to convert my incoming coax/cable signal to rj45 because I want to fully discard the old router as it is only taking up space. I know that MoCa exists, but as far as I know, that is only used to convert an existing rj45 to coax, or am I wrong?

The current setup is like this:
Incoming Cable --> Fritzbox 6660 Cable --> all other devices

and I want to change it to:

Incoming Cable --> some kind of converter --> my router --> all other devices

Any help is appreciated

1 point

Your “Fritzbox 6660 Cable” is a COMBO modem and router.

“some kind of converter” is called a standalone cablemodem - something like this:


Note that when you change the device connected to the cable (modem), you will have to contact your ISP and give them the MAC address of the new modem to register in their network so that it is allowed to connect. Some ISP’s may have a website where you can log in and do this, others you may have to just call.

1 point
1 point


It would work, but one with DOCSIS 3.1 would definitely be better, especially if you have or might plan to upgrade to a higher speed plan from your ISP.

1 point


I did some further research and it turns out that Vodafone, my provider, seems to only allow bridge mode if you use their own modem/router combo for all available options / your own modem/router for a specific data tarif. Wich I do not have. I’m gonna have to call them and ask if I can even do that with my current fritzbox or If I’ll have to get another device from them or some other option

0 points

what you want to do is put your Fritzbox 6660 into “bridge mode” or get a modem only.

what you are calling a converter of some kind is a modem only – without any router functionality.

0 points

Yes, the term you’re looking for is “modem”. Just get one that isn’t bundled with a router.

1 point

Specifically a “DOCSIS” cable modem, spec’d per ISP and current plan requirements.


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