Starts to make sense how some conspiracies come out when you get examples like this of people being blatantly ignorant of evidence right in front of their noses
In my experience it has less to do with stuff like this where people are just not looking close enough or are mistaken and more to do with the idea of them being wrong being impossible. Conspiracies that I interact with don’t even discuss evidence. Because they can’t be wrong and there’s no way to falsify their worldview.
A lot of it has to do with wanting to be superior. They have feelings of not having control so they tell themselves and each other that everyone else is stupid and being fooled but not them, they are the smart few, they know the truth, they are the in crowd.
I have wondered if there is just a tolerance people have for feeling dumb. How much can you endure? If you can handle a lot you can continue to learn, doesn’t mean you will means you can. If you can’t handle a lot you make your life in such a way as you don’t have to feel that way. Like someone with a phobia who just always finds ways to not be around it. If I am right conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism to avoid the feeling of inadequacy.
For myself my work is willing to pay for me to go back to school part time and I admit there is a part of me afraid of feeling stupid around all those kids fresh out of high school.
This, in the post truth era, evidence is only useful to educated people that are willing. For most victims, we have to de program them first.
Every single discussion I have about climate ends with “yes, that’s one side of the argument, but who really knows what’s the truth”.
Motherfucker, you said something that’s false. I showed you you were wrong by a factor of several million. Where ever the exact truth lies, it’s way on the other side of the fucking moon from your standpoint.
*every known letter of the alphabet.
The implication that there are undiscovered letters creates excitement for the reader. Who knows what is out there!
Those same people do math incorrectly and shout at everyone else to do it their way.
Don’t take my word for it research about it yourself there are lots of good videos on YouTube the government and science liars don’t want you to know the truth /s
For those confused
2.25+2.25=4.5 rounds to 2+2=5
2.5+2.5=5 truncates to 2+2=5
Both can crop up in programming, depending on the situation.
Just look at those viral math problems. I recently saw one that was something like (1+2*3)*(1*0) and most comments were arguing if it was 7 or 9
Of course, there’s also the times where we just make the research hard to do.
Like, we teach kids PEMDAS, but then don’t actually follow PEMDAS in the original textbooks that introduce it and definitely not in common math or physics texts.
Like, you’ll see 1/2√r in Feynman’s lectures being written not to represent ½*√r = √r / 2 as pemdas would suggest, but 1/(2*√r).
Similarly, the original textbooks that introduced PEMDAS, if you read them, actually followed what you might call PEJMDAS, where multiplication via juxtaposition is treated as binding tighter than explicit multiplication, so 1÷2(2+3) would be interpreted not as ½(5) but as 1 ÷ (2 * 5), but they considered that so obvious they didn’t bother to explicitly spell it out in the rules.
And now we have Facebook memes and tiktok livestreams arguing about what 1÷2(2+3) actually means.
Also by the time you’ve learned order of operations, you’ve outgrown the ÷ operator. You would never write 1 ÷ (2 * 5), you would write it with a proper numerator and denominator like anyone outside of elementary school would.
I hate these math problems you see on social media. No one would write that way or code that way. It is ambiguous, and even if it weren’t it is still hard to figure out. I think in my entire career I have seen one single line of code that took PEMDAS to sort out, I remember that line and the programmer told me that they were exploiting a feature of the complier to get slightly faster results. He was an annoying person
It has become impossible to tell if these people are trolling, stupid, or both.
Sphynx (SPHYNX) of black quartz judge my vow
I spelt ‘sphynx’ (sphinx) wrong, it’s saved that way in my phone for some reason and I wasn’t paying attention.
Edit: Ah, yep just saw that comment with the cats. It’s because of cats.
You most definitely do your own research.
Edit: This person was very right I was just joking jeez.
I even catch myself doing it out loud, on the rare occasion the word comes up.
Fucking brilliant show. Still need to watch the film but part of me feels like doing so is admitting it’s over, so I’m going to keep putting it off for a bit I think.