I’m on arch currently (with an RX 7600 and R5 3600) and its a good experience, but I find myself wanting many of the .deb packages available on Debian, and trawling the AUR makes me nervous
would Debian testing give me a good gaming experience? I run all of my packages off of flatpak anyway, and would continue to do so on Debian
I used to run debian testing, but as the branch name implies you will experience the occasional break. If you’re doing straight gaming, Arch seems like the distro to be on. I game and work (dev stuff) on my machines so I run pop_os (with xanmod kernel).
honestly arch has treated me well, its just that I’m having a certified arch moment trying to get a VPN working and thought about how much easier it is on other distros that dont throw you to the terminal dogs
I’m just a casual gamer but I use Debian stable and I’ve had very few problems. I think a lot of people believe that Debian stable is too old to be usable but steam works flawlessly. At least in my experience.
I know it won’t be the same response, but using the AUR with Pamac on EndeavourOS has been a good experience for me. It doesn’t let me break the system since it’s all graphical and I haven’t had any issues with suspect packages or anything like that. And enabling Flatpak/Snap I can install those programs I might not trust, like the Miru streaming app.
I run Sid and use flatpak for steam and minigalaxy. No issues here.