Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

I currently am living in a dorm room where each rooms ethernet speed is limited to 5 MB/s, each room also gets only one ethernet port. I currently have my PC connected to it but I also want to connect a TV and another PC. The provider is Spectrum if that matters.

My question is if I use an ethernet switch will that slow down the connection further? If so, any idea by how much? Also which splitter should I use if you all have any recommendations?


2 points

Ask your college IT department or whoever is responsible for the network in the dorms.

It is possible and even likely that they have a MAC limit set on the port as well and if you exceed that the port can be disabled automatically.

1 point

Using a switch will not make it slower. However, if the limits they impose are “per room” (or “per wall port”) then all the devices together will have to share that total speed.

If, however, you are very lucky and they impose the limit “per unique device” then each of the devices you connect to the switch will have its own allocation.


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