Hello, I currently use Google voice for call forwarding and (in the past) sms forwarding. When I had a small business some of those features came in handy as well, like multi phone forwarding and contact filtering/routing features.

Unfortunately, Google removed sms forwarding a few years back, but I am constantly in rural areas with no data, and therefore cannot use the Google voice app. Not to mention the app doesn’t support a lot of modern text features like group text/RCS.

Is there a good alternative for this feature set at a low price? I’ve looked at ooma, open phone, number barn, and a few others. They seem more catered to the business than the solopreneur and are missing some of the above mentioned features.

1 point

The alternative is reading the rules.

1 point

If you’re in an area with no data and get cellular only, SMS is all that is going to work. Everything else (RCS/iMessage/etc.) requires data.




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